Monday, May 17, 2004

“Now to Him who is able to do far more abundantly beyond all that we ask or think, according to the power that works within us, to Him be the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus to all generations forever and ever. Amen.” Ephesians 3:20-21 (NAS)

I love this verse, especially when I think about being in college at this time in my life. I’m amazed how He has brought me along this path of learning and leaning on Him so that I may walk in abundant life, not just mediocrity. Not that I would call being a wife and then a mother mediocre, it’s just that I didn’t think there would be more to my life. There are days when I wonder if one semester of college has opened my eyes along with my “spiritual eyes” to see life situations differently or if I had finally seen those situations clearly before going to school which in turn released me to be able to be in college. I’m leaning towards the latter, believing that I had to first realize that God did have more for me, more then the “Irregular People” in my life had expected for me.
I’ve been reading a few books, two of them recommended by two counselors from college. At the moment, I’m impressed by “Irregular People” it’s as if I could have written this book about the irregular people in my life. Let me define “Irregular People.” These are people related to you by blood or marriage and they tend to rain on your life’s parade. I finally understand that they don’t define who I am or what I will do or don’t do in life, unless I give them the power to do so. I wish the relationships with these three “Irregular People” in my life were ideal, but they are not and they may never be. So, I accept, not resign myself, but accept them as they are. . .”Irregular People.” This is a revelation which has freed me to experience “far more abundantly beyond all that I asked for or thought” I would experience in my life.
I pray that you are experiencing an abundant life in Him as He works within you. Love and blessings!