Wednesday, May 05, 2004

Two days into my summer break and I was looking forward to sleeping in just a little, but no such luck. At least I didn't get up at 4:45am like yesterday! Today, I finally got up around 5:30am, but I had been awake for an hour or so. The good thing about early mornings is that I'm getting a lot accomplished on my "To-Do" list I prepared over the weekend.

I might have four weeks off from school, but my thoughts aren't far from being there. I'll be taking summer classes and one class is a P.E. walk/jog. I've never been able to jog due to asthma and other physical disadvantages (namely, there are no support tops on the market that truly eliminates bounce which is painful!). However, I decided that I would try what is called a wog, I walk a block, jog a block. I started doing this on Mon. on my way home. Today, I did it both ways and covered 3 miles. No asthma symptoms and I feel great! I want to get an A in P.E. and even though I walk 12min. miles, I'm going to make sure that I get as many miles finished in whatever time limit we are given when it comes to testing. One of my teachers called me an over acheiver, but I don't think I'm an over acheiver, just a high acheiver. I do think it has something to do with being challenged and maybe a little bit of competitiveness on my part. The funny thing about that is that I only compete with myself.

I've always taught on one of the scriptures that tells up, to whom much is given, much is required. I believe that much has been given to me and I want to give back to the Lord in whatever way I can. If that means setting my goals high and working to acheive them, it's all for the glory of the Lord. When I taught in our church's Missionette program, we had a scripture that really stuck with me; "whatsoever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might!" Between those two scriptures, I feel driven to press on for the goals I believe have been set before me.

love and blessings!

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