Monday, May 03, 2004

I don't have classes today and it feels kind of strange, like I'm running behind or something. However, I will be going in today as I need to finalize my Fall schedule and then meet with one of the young girls I have developed a mentoring relationship with. I'm going to miss seeing my classmates M-W-F as well as my English Professor. I shared with a friend how my last couple of weeks have been this semester. I wasn't sure if everyone felt like I was feeling or if I have just been emotional for other reasons. As I reflect back on my past school years, I always did get emotional toward the end of each year. I have always loved being in school to learn, but I also developed close relationships with my classmates. As a child, my Dad was military and that meant we moved a lot (12 schools in 12 yrs.). This meant that I might not see my classmates the following year and would have to start all over again and build new relationships. While I won't be moving away from college, this learning experience is just different. I think the biggest difference has been due to my English Professor. I shared with a friend about my class and she said that I have had an unusual semester and should cherish the experience. She said that there was more to the whole experience and then she suggested that it may have been that my teacher hadn't reached burnout yet, but that he most likely will in future semesters. I hope not, he really contributed a lot in the class and for my first college experience.

Now, I need to plan out my four weeks off from school. I have lots to do, some of it is helping to prepare for our grandaugther who is expected July 2. Her daddy slept in a cradle for his first three months and we are passing it on so that Kayleigh will be sleeping in it. I'll be sewing all new bedding for it, pinks and whites of course!

I may not post very often during this time off since the whole idea of this blog is to talk about my college experience. However, don't count on that! For those of you who know me well, you know that I can talk and writing is the next best thing to talking. On that note, thanks goes to everyone who has supported me as I have begun this journey. You have all been such a blessing to me.
Love you!

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