Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Spring Semester 2007 Begins

Today is my last day of free/me time. No more playing, reading for fun, watching HGTV, and no more time-intensive home projects inspired by watching HGTV. Tomorrow I begin my first semester working on content for my degree. I’m looking forward to the classes I’ll be taking this semester, but I’m not looking forward to the long days of classes. I keep reminding myself that I only have two more years before I graduate again. I know I can do 15 hours this semester, but I really won’t know what it’s like until I have my routine down with every t crossed and every i dotted.

I did get a lot accomplished while I’ve been off. As I mentioned, we work out at the gym five days a week and twice a month with a trainer. I’m going this morning to work with the trainer, but I’m going to remind him/her that I need to function without being too sore to move for my first day of school. In one month, I have lost about 3 pounds, but I think I’m more toned and have lost some inches. I haven’t taken my measurements, but my clothes are looser.

My kitchen is finished—for now. I textured the walls and painted, re-framed my artwork, and organized everything in the kitchen and utility room. I think it looks bigger and brighter in the kitchen now. The next stage will be granite counters, and then paint and glaze the cabinets, but that will have to wait until after I graduate. I found dark blue granite that will go perfectly with my floors, but it isn’t cheap.

Mike and I went to Louisiana for the weekend and took Justin and his family with us to visit Jason and his family. Traveling in a motorhome makes it much easier when you have kids. Kayleigh sat at the dinette and played, read books, and napped. William is such an easy baby; he slept most of the time going to and coming back. Being able to stop in a parking lot to eat lunch or dinner is especially nice, and it allowed Kayleigh some time to get up and move around, as a two-year-old needs to do. I like having my own bedroom, bathroom, and kitchen. Mike played with the big boys (Jason and Justin) while I played with the grandkids. Overall, it was an enjoyable weekend of getting away before I return to school.

Just finished my workout; I did back and biceps and it feels good. After lunch and a shower, I plan to spend the rest of today reading the first two chapters for each class, as I typically do. I’m also going to catch up with talking to my friends who I don’t get to talk to very often when I’m in classes all day.

I expect this semester to be busy, but I also expect that I will enjoy my classes. I do feel this is the year for great and mighty experiences, greater than what we usually ask for. Expect with me all that God has planned for this new year.

1 comment:

Kendra said...

I would love to see pictures of the kitchen! It sounds like you had a productive break from school. I pray this semester goes well for you.
