Thursday, December 14, 2006

Graduation 2006!

Tomorrow I graduate and receive my Associates of Arts degree. As of this posting, I do not know with certainty if my transferred hours are all A’s. One grade is posted and it’s an A; however, I will not know until next week if the others are A’s. I finished my Shakespeare test on Monday and feel confident that I made an A. I finished my Advanced Grammar and Composition test this afternoon. This class has caused me the most stress, but I have also learned a lot from my professor. I’m not sure what my final grade will be for my grammar class. There is a chance that I could pull a low A, but then there is a possibility that I will make a high B. Whatever it is, I know that I have learned and that I have done my best.

When I began my education journey, I had no idea that I would be able to achieve such high honors. However, as every semester finished with all A’s I began to work toward the highest honor of Summa Cum Laude. Initially, my intention to achieve this goal was to prove that I am worth something, contrary to what I grew up hearing. This journey has been long, but along the way, I have discovered who I am and what I can do. My strength to carry on comes from the Lord; my courage to stand fast comes from knowing Him; my hope comes from knowing His Word and understanding that He has a plan for my life. What began as an opportunity to break away from the bondage that my parents created with their words and actions, has now turned into a quest to be all that God has designed me to be with out chains to weigh me down.

I walk tomorrow and will receive my diploma knowing that the last link of bondage from my past has been broken. I walk tomorrow, free to pursue the dream God has placed in my spirit. I walk tomorrow with a new confidence as a woman of God gifted with intelligence and abilities. When I take those steps down the aisle, I will be taking with me the encouragement and support of many professors, friends, and especially my


Post Graduation: 12-15-2006

Graduation was good; I'm glad I decided to walk. I did get recognized as Summa Cum Laude (4.0 GPA), and with that I received a gold medal (hanging around my neck). There were only five students who made Summa Cum Laude and I shared a few classes with two of them. All three of us are non-traditional students, which probably makes a significant difference in our desire to do well in our studies. We are there to learn and are willing to do whatever it takes to get the most from our education.

My father-in-law came with us to watch the ceremony, and afterward, he said he was glad he went. He took one of the programs to have something to show-off at his retirement center. He's going to brag about my honors recognition. ;-) The next goal he is looking forward to is watching me walk to receive my B.S. degree in two years.

Mike said he got misty-eyed when I first walked into the auditorium. I think it's because he really knows what it took for me to take the first step and return to school. My next two years will be intensive as I focus on my content for my teaching. I'm looking forward to beginning this next leg of my journey. Last week, I checked the local school district's job postings and saw one for Family and Consumer Sciences. If last night's ceremony were for my B.S., I might have gotten a job exactly where I want to be. I have two more years and will trust God for providing me with a position.

Here is a photo of my cap and gold tassle with a Phi Thetta Kappa charm. The gold stole, and blue and gold cords are for PTK members. The red, white, and blue ribbon with the gold medal is for Summa Cum Laude. Mike wants me to mount my medal in a shadow box; I'll have to think about it later. The blue folder is for my diploma...there's a note inside that says the real diploma will come in two weeks.

One more graduation accomplised and at least one more to go before I am finished with this part of my journey.


Justin and Michelle said...

Just wanted to say...


Congrats on the first degree and have a blast finishing the next!

Love you!

Brenda said...

Thanks Michelle! It helps to have tolerant family and friends who listen to me talk about what I'm learning, my insecurities about doing well...or not doing well, but especially supporting my desire to get through college.

Kendra said...

Congratulations!! Thank you for sharing your journey with us. Also, Happy Belated Birthday!!

Love you!!