Sunday, July 17, 2005

Grandchildren are a Blessing!

Atley (2), Kayleigh (1), and Samuel (4). Atley and Samuel belong to Jason and Charlotte. Kayleigh belongs to Justin and Michelle.

Friday was an eventful day all around. My eldest son, Jason had some local business to take care of. Since his wife is out of the country, he brought both of his sons and stayed for the afternoon and early evening. My younger son Justin, his wife Michelle and daughter Kayleigh came over to help all of us celebrate my father-in-law’s 90th birthday. This was the first time I had all three grandchildren (4 years old and under) in my home at one time. Needless to say, Mike and I went to bed early that night, exhausted.

There are circumstances that I won’t get into concerning Jason’s wife and us, but the sad part of it is how it limits our opportunities to see the boys. However, Jason is beginning to realize that the decisions they have made affect more than them and us, it affects their children too. I can only continue to put it before the Lord and pray that in His perfect timing, the situation will change significantly so that we can all spend time together outside of special occasions.

Our plans have always been to take the grandchildren camping each year. This will allow the cousins to spend time together, give their parents a break while they spend some grown-up time together and to build our relationship with each grandchild. Perhaps, next year everything will work together for good and we will be able to begin a new tradition with all three grandchildren.

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