Thursday, December 09, 2004

A Woman Endued with Power

As much as I love to write, I just haven’t had the time during these past few weeks to write for fun. However, that time is over! Finals are next week and the only one I have to take is a written test for speech.

I just finished my essay paper for Literature and Composition, (all ten pages) titled, “A Woman Endued with Power.” I wrote about Kate Chopin and her short story, The Story of an Hour. I read a lot of essays and other information about her while doing my research, and I can understand how others perceive her as a feminist. However, I don’t think that is all Chopin is about. No where did I come across anything that said she was out to usurp men’s authority. I likened her to the virtuous woman in Proverbs 31. Anyway, what I realized about myself as I was writing this paper is that my paper is about myself and what I have learned this year. Here is my conclusion:

The moment a woman knows her place, without being defined by labels, is the moment she will be able to embrace herself as a woman who has the power to speak from her heart, and recognizes her own ability for independent intellect; she is a woman that is able to pursue the desires of her heart. It is this woman, who will be the one who recognizes this awakening within herself, even if no others do, who can say “what did it matter!” for she is now, a woman endued with power.

I have become that woman! I discovered my voice and have practiced using it all year until my confidence caught up with it. I can say that I have been noticed, by my peers, other students and academically. As for pursuing and getting my desires met, I’m in college and this has been one of my biggest desires to pursue and fulfill. This in turn has spilled over into other areas in my personal life where I don’t stop at meeting the needs of others, I am also getting my needs met.

Monday is my last day for this semester. I feel that I have grown academically, but most importantly, I have grown personally. I have four weeks off to catch up on all of the projects I have had to put on the back burner while I worked on school assignments. Maybe, I’ll even get my house decorated for Christmas with enough time to enjoy it before I have to take it all back down. I know this is only the season I am in and it too will pass, only to be exchanged for another. In the meantime, I plan on enjoying every minute of my season.


Norma said...

Welcome back. I was worried you'd been buried under a pile of assigned papers. Have a good vacation.

Brenda said...

Thanks, I really was getting swamped with school and it was more than assignments. I had to deal with a professor that in my opinion, needs to take a break from teaching (at least from what she considers to be teaching). Anyway, I put my observations down on paper (four, single-spaced, detailed account) and sent it to the Dean. I'm waiting to hear a reply. It has been a good test for making myself heard and practicing confrontations (not that I seek them,I really hate confrontations!). I'm just one of those who can not put on blinders and look the other way, especially when the injustice is so blantant and many have gotten hurt.